
Tunjukkan catatan dari Oktober, 2013


hi guys actually at one time i did took photo every step how to cook "Roti Lapis Berdaging" But unfortunately, i can't find it huhu i promise if i find it i will upload later... anyway thanks to facebook, i'm able to extract few photo..... photo on the right, show you the 6th step/layer, where you place your slices cheese on the top of filling. as you can see how the bread been arranged (1st and 4th layer/step) and also the filling (2nd & 5th layer/step) in this photo i use 1  or 1 1/2 pack of minced meat so you can see lots of empty space i normally use 6-7pcs of slice cheese, where 4 pcs i place as you can see in the photo, and the rest i will divide into 2 or 3 to fill up the empty space between the cheese before you baked in oven tadaaaaa..................after baked in oven how it looks --- layer by layer .....meat .....chicken


** click  here  for original recipe **click  here  for photo Alright this is my version of baking the Roti Daging... to be honest every time i cook i alter a bit...  to counter the lack on the previous attempt. The way i baked Roti Daging, is same as in the original recipe. To read orginal recipe click here The different is how i prepare the filling,  which the ingredients are slightly different. Actually what you add and mix will give impact to the taste of your Roti Daging. And it depends on you as the chef :) ,  either you want it more meat? spicy? or cheezy?..  so no worries as long as you understand the basic of preparing it. So if you doubt to follow my recipe, use the original recipe for your first attempt...  then later you can try mine or alter it :)  Ok to see the difference between mine and the original, anything written in blue is from the original recipe Ingredient for filling: 300gm daging cincang @ 4 kpg daging burger (dih...


Roti Lapis Daging Berkeju -- ORIGINAL version ok guys this is the original version given by friend of mine, Diha Rauza. But as usual being me, i love to alter a bit so if you wanna see my version go to the next entry Bahan2: Untuk Inti: 300gm daging cincang @ 4 kp g daging burger (dihancurkan) 2 ulas bawang putih 1 biji bawang besar 1/2 paket perencah daging black paper maggi sedikit air garam & gula minyak 12 keping roti 3 biji telur 200ml susu fresh 8keping slice cheese cheddar diparut * sayur2 ikut suka Cara2  utk inti : Panaskan minyak, tumis bwg putih mskkan bwg besar n daging... grg hingga daging empuk. kemudian masukkan perencah black paper dgn sedikit air... masak sehingga daging msk n kering. ketepikan n biar sejuk. Untuk Roti lapis Sapukan keseluruhan bekas tahan panas dgn butter or mentega bancuhkan telur dgn susu sehingga sebati celup roti kedalam bancuhan susu td dan susun dlm bekas. buat sehingga penuh bekas utk tingkat yg pertama. tuang kan separuh dr inti tadi k...