
Tunjukkan catatan dari Januari, 2013

first attempt apam

this is my first entry about food  i wanna talk about APAM .... Actually you can call me as APAM addicted i'm not sure what they called it in english but malaysian call it APAM it a food, if in europe people have tea break with a lovely cup cake, in Malaysia we eat APAM . I love APAM since i was small, maybe that the reason I am like APAM too "chubby" if you wanna know what is APAM you can Google it Recently, almost every morning i will buy APAM for breakfast. it been ages I want to try to make them, but mum reluctant to teach me, she said difficult , easy to buy sob sob sob.... One day i went for shopping, i saw a box of flour with a label "instant APAM flour" i talk to myself! cooooll finally i can make them by myself after a month then i have time to make APAM .... hahaha a month? yeah you right... busy woman ? no it is actually lazy woman ok back to the story so i read the instruction, hurm not so bad, only 3 lines of instruction it must be easy righ...


2013 dah 23 hari berlalu semenjak berganjak ke tahun baru  ini bererti umur ku juga telah genap 32tahun 4bulan pantas benar rasanya masa berlalu  aku masih lagi serabut ntah apa yang aku serabut kan plan aku tahun ni nak menulis blog  asalnya satu hari satu post ini dah hari ke 23 hari dalam tahun 2013 satu post pun takde ooopss.... kalau post ini diupload kira ada la satu post  hurm  bukan aku taknak menulis aku suka menulis tapi aku takde masa ye ke takde masa? bukan ke masa tu telah diberikan cukup untuk semua orang  mungkin aku terlalu banyak benda yang nak buat  aku perlu fokus  insyaAllah aku akan cuba mengotakan apa yang aku rancang ketemu lagi nanti